Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Projection Artist

Magda is going back to Poland this Sunday, which makes me think "Polish" :) What do I know about Poland except Polanski's films? One special artist came across my mind is Krzysztof Wodiczko, who creates his art/statement by projecting images onto building facades in the community. His works explore a lot of things: momumentality & temporality, body & skin, architecture & city, people & society, the aesthetic & psychological, foreground & background, the everyday & the uncanny...As a political and public art, his projection is more cinematic and transient than graffiti.

PBS has a good webpage about his art. As aruged in the essay: He challenges the silent, stark monumentality of buildings, activating them in an examination of notions of human rights, democracy, and truths about the violence, alienation, and inhumanity that underlie countless aspects of social interaction in present-day society. (read more and watch artist interviews here)


ptbkr said...

Yeaah, i was gonna ask you about that (Polish film director) when we had lunch today with her. I still have to wait to see Polanski. Anyway, have you heard Paul Robeson singing Chinese national anthem yet? chilai... chilai... xenia... I will sing that when you feel down... :)

XENIA said...

You can find Polanski's movies from library. I just borrowed Rosemary's Baby. I recommend Knife in the Water & Chinatown.

Yup, i listened to his singing - can i just say WOW! should play it for Cissy!!