Saturday, June 16, 2007

Manufactured Landscape

Canadian photographer Edward Burtynsky takes beautiful large-scale photographs of landscapes that have been industrially altered by mankind to the very extreme. The documentary Manufactured Landscapes by Toronto-based filmmaker Jennifer Baichwal now visits, along with the photographer, places in China and Bangladesh and shows how these amazing pictures are taken. It gives you with a weird as well as surreal experience of the grotesque and grim consequences of mass production. For example, fifty percent of all world‘s computers end up in China, amongst many other used materials… You don’t have to be too ecologically minded, but this documentary will leave you thinking, no doubt.
Source: Pingmag

Click here to watch Edward Burtynsky's TED talk about his works and vision on sustainability. It's very thought-provoking, esp. those disturbing images revealing the huge scale factories filled with cheap labors working like non-stop machines in China.

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