Sunday, April 22, 2007

GREEN, the new Red White & Blue

I watched a 90-min show last night on Discovery channel, Thomas Friedman (the author of The Wolrd is Flat)'s version of An Inconvenient Truth. He uses "Green, the new red white & blue" as the metaphor to make Americans realize the climate crisis and responsibility to stop it from today. Gore's documentary presents comprehensive scientific discoveries on global warming; Friedman's version is focused on big corporations (such as Google, Walmart, the military)' responses to glocal warming and research on new possible green powers. A new knowledge for me is that low-cost grasses esp. sugarcane can actually generate power. In Brazil, 40% of gasoline need is met by sugarcane-based ethanol. Isn't that amazing?! It also compares to the energy issue in China where the government officials have a stronger crisis mentality than the Americans. A Red China will and will have to become a Green China. Click here to watch a video of Friedman titled The Power of Green, also the name of his essay on The New York Times.
P.S. Today is Earth Day, my contribution would be studying hard for the LEED exam :)


ptbkr said...

friedman is one of my favorite journalist/cultural critic... read his columns at NYT all the time.. his articles on NYT often became initiations for discussions with one of my close friend on social, politics and other cultural issues... the world is flat is a good book to read, positioned myself, my role, in this generation in the global world. I think his first book is "From Beirut to Jerusalem" about his experience as young journalist in the warzone is commendable and inspiring... that book will continue to be a canon for contemporary introduction to the Middle East..

XENIA said...

i wanna read his books! btw, can you email me some of his essays you saved in pdf?